Work Work I grumble..


I’ve now updated the “Approved Rear-Facing Car Seats” tab at the top, so that when you hover your mouse over it, you can see I’ve put in all the BeSafe seats.
Each one has it’s own page with a picture, and some info on the seat.
They also have an installation video. 🙂

I’m going to spend the next few days doing this to ALL the seats, but it’s worth it!

Don’t forget to click on the actual tab as well at the top so you can see the list of car seats, the retailers that sell them, and how much they are in price. 😀

With that I bid you a good night, and I hope you sleep well. 😉

Well now I’ve done it!

Oh yes! I’ve started this blog now, it’s slowly getting there. I’m still putting in stuff, there’s still stuff to add, but I do have kids and a hubby so I can’t spend all day in front of the box even though I do want to get everything sorted! 😉 If you want to read about me and why I started this blog (though I’m still adding on to that info) you can find that <HERE>.
I’ve also got a list of retailers selling ERF seats and what they price, and also it links to their website where you can see them. That information is stored <HERE>.
Also note that the information on the “Approved RF Car seats” tab, will be updated as I come across more seats and so forth, so always keep a lookout on that page! 🙂

I would also love if you “liked” my Facebook page (you can do this just over there —-> ) there I will and do post news and deals I might come across before it goes live here! 🙂
You can also follow me on Twitter @ERFmama .


I hope all my visitors return soon for even more info and maybe funny snips of my visits to any highstreet retailer who sells car seats. 🙂



Tell Me!

As a start for the blog, it would be great to see where people stand on the matter so I can easier find out what I need to work on information wise. 🙂

I hope as many of you will participate as possible!  😀

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